Monday, December 4, 2006

It is OK to scratch

When a man scratches it is a sign that he is master over his dominion, that he is not embarrassed to get the blood flowing to all parts of his body. He can scratch his ass, his privates anything, its his choice. When a woman scratches in those places it is a sign of Clamidia, so watch out men, but for you its OK to scratch. Don't be coerced or feel threatened into not scratching men. When you do it, do it well.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Stand Up Men

This blog is dedicated to the help and rescue of those poor corporate men who have become pussies. We need your help men, to help these souls, lost to a wussy politically correct culture. Let us lead them from hell to the promised land of meat and beer.

Lets start with dieting. I was in the office the other day and I saw a good friend of mine open his tupperware box of greens and gingerly add his vinegrette dressing, exclaiming how he can only add a little bit at a time.... PUSSY!!! Real men dont eat little greens for lunch, they eat man food, something that was killed recently and bled. Let us help this young man and suggest to him what real man food is for lunch.